Acacia-Porcelain Coffee or Tea Set
Acacia Wood
Known as a native plant of Lamphun province, Acacia is a soft, beautifully grained lightweight wood. Northern craftsmen have had long-standing experience and expertise creating various items from Acacia wood ever since the Lanna Era. Today, Acacia wood is popular for making furniture and household items.
Porcelain is a high quality white translucent ceramic with a glossy surface. The process of porcelain making has been perfected over centuries by dedicated artisans of central Thailand. An endless variety of utensils have been created with porcelain to suit ever-changing lifestyle needs.
Our Inspiration
Patra quality porcelain products are matched with the aesthetics of Acacia wood in the form of trays and wooden cup tops. This coffee or tea set is perfect for the serving of drinks and snacks with unmistakable Thai charm.
See our artisans at work :
Sansiri Artisan Collection